Thursday, February 14, 2008


Wow kids, this going back to school thing is a LOT harder than I remembered! I admittedly am a huge slacker but wow, these last few days have been ridiculously tense as I did my best to meet all the requirements for the classes I am taking. Word to the wise - get the good grades when you are younger and in school the first time around because when you are working, have a family and ETC, it is not a walk in the park to get it done.
That said, my American History class and Freshman Comp are now behind me and all I am left to do is pack up and move to another county! :)

Heaven help me.


Friday, February 8, 2008

Moving on

Sometimes the universe throws things at you, decisions to make that don't seem easy but find some way to work out for the best. This week I have been reminded of the crazy way fate has of taking charge and making things right. My hubby and I have been debating about a big decision for a new job for him and a new town for us and the decision was hampered by money, which it always is...and it all worked out.
SO dearhearts, as of March 1, 2008, we will be starting over in a town called Gainesville that I am hoping is just the thing we need to break the awful spell that was 2007.
Here's to new friends, a new place, a new life and better memories.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Here me now...

Here me now and here me loud, I may have to move because my landlords are being tools and don't think I should have Louie here. OK, so not really a huge deal because we were gonna move anyway, but seriously, until then, what do I do with him? It's not like I have family here that can take him until I move to wherever I am going.
The kicker is that there are LOTS of people here with dogs 4 times the size of my 4 month old puppy and yet they are still wandering around. Apparently there have been complaints because of where he poops, well it's not like we let him do it in the pool or beside the mailboxes. I walk him everyday around the whole place for exercise and so he won't go in the same spot.
No one has done anything about the guy I catch smoking weed in his truck any time I walk Louie after dark or the effing ghetto that lives on the other side of the building we are in. Not to mention the fact that I can step out my front door at anytime of the day or night and stumble across a pack of kids making a drug deal in the parking lot. WHATEVER! Apparently one little puppy is a nuisance.
Well, I'm afraid they don't know how cranky I can get or how mean.

Bring it on people, I haven't had a good fight in a few days, I'm due!


Monday, February 4, 2008

Poor Unfitney

To those of you that know my penchant for celeb gossip (which is second only to Sally Julia) you know I'm all over this Britney Spears thing. I'm torn between watching the train wreck and feeling bad that the world is watching this kid self destruct every day, sometimes several times a day. Which brings me to my point, should any of us really feel bad when she is playing this drama out in front of the reporters?
Granted now she is in the hospital and hopefully they are putting her on meds, but how sorry are we supposed to feel for a kid that has more money than most of us will ever see, fame, fortune and all the perks that go with it but can't seem to find time in there to be a decent mother or a valuable member of society?
I can understand the need for privacy and that celebs get hounded to death about their every move (thanks to TMZ and the like) but when they have used the public to their advantage for years, isn't it a little redundant to call foul now?
Don't bite the hand that feeds ya bitches! ;) But that's just how I see it.....


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Superbowl widow

Before I start this rant, let me just nip something in the bud for those people that say, "if you loved your man you'd watch the game with him"...BITE ME! ;) I watch the Superbowl for one reason only - the commercials, which as of late have featured a very adorable Justin Timberlake. The only other thing I watch the "game" for is to reassure myself that yes indeed, football is finally over and my Sundays can now include leaving the house again.
I don't care who wins, I don't care how spectacular the plays were and I could give a rat's ass if New England reaches their "perfect" season....I just don't wanna be a football widow any longer.
So for all the girls like me that are sitting bored to tears tonight, don't worry my dears, only a little while longer of waiting and being a Superbowl widow and then, victory is OURS!!!


Friday, February 1, 2008

FREE at last

I realize I'm a pasty white girl and I realize that to some this may sound a little out of place but understand that I have the utmost respect for MLK but I feel a need to say, "Free at last, free at last, praise God almighty, free at last!"
You see dear reader, I have been employed at a job that I liked but for people I did not and that is being subtle. It has been a hellish year with one test of my patience and my sanity after another and it came to an end today because I quit. It pains me to know that I have to leave a situation I liked because of people I didn't and that quitting was my only option but in the end, it was what was best for me. I am leaving a very select group of talented people, which is distressing but even more distressing is the fact that they are left to work in a souless, blood sucking company that does not appreciate them. To them, I wish all the best and the four of them know who they are, the rest, well, all I can say is that if they'd like to know exactly why I left and how inept I think they are, they can meet me on the corner of Bite Me and Suck It!!