Thursday, February 7, 2008

Here me now...

Here me now and here me loud, I may have to move because my landlords are being tools and don't think I should have Louie here. OK, so not really a huge deal because we were gonna move anyway, but seriously, until then, what do I do with him? It's not like I have family here that can take him until I move to wherever I am going.
The kicker is that there are LOTS of people here with dogs 4 times the size of my 4 month old puppy and yet they are still wandering around. Apparently there have been complaints because of where he poops, well it's not like we let him do it in the pool or beside the mailboxes. I walk him everyday around the whole place for exercise and so he won't go in the same spot.
No one has done anything about the guy I catch smoking weed in his truck any time I walk Louie after dark or the effing ghetto that lives on the other side of the building we are in. Not to mention the fact that I can step out my front door at anytime of the day or night and stumble across a pack of kids making a drug deal in the parking lot. WHATEVER! Apparently one little puppy is a nuisance.
Well, I'm afraid they don't know how cranky I can get or how mean.

Bring it on people, I haven't had a good fight in a few days, I'm due!


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